With all due respect, infidelity has been around since ever. Mostly it has been reserved for men, indeed. But now this has changed and we're all shocked. What we're seeing now is the balance leveling towards women. For all it's worth, while the end result is the same, the execution is different. Women that choose this path do it to preserve the family while taking care of the needs that have not been met in their marriages and they do it understanding the risks. That's why they are more careful and discreet. Men, do it for the same reasons, but they have less to lose, society expects men to side step aside at some point and everyone will close an eye and move on. So they get sloppy - that's my impression, not saying I am correct. Bottomline is these things are not black and white, as some of us like to paint it and in some circumstances an affair has the potential to not just save the marriage but improve it.