The Night My Husband Became ‘That Guy’: A Real Talk About Misogyny in Marriage.

How a casual dinner turned into a wake-up call — and why I decided to speak up.

Eva Grape
Published in
5 min readMay 17, 2023


Image via Midjourney

I’ve always had a sense of humor, but there’s one type of joke I simply can’t stomach (pun intended) — the misogynistic kind. Today, my husband discovered just how much those jokes don’t sit well with me.

An Ordinary Evening Turns Eventful

It all started like a relatively casual evening. We had a few rough days this week with our kid at home sick, so evenings are undoubtedly tiring. And since cooking takes time and effort, especially under such circumstances, we eat out.

My mom just arrived today to give us a hand for the remainder of the week, so we all headed out to get some fresh air and dine.

My husband decided to try out a restaurant we had just passed by this evening. It wasn’t brand new, but it was completely fresh for us because it wasn’t one of our regulars.

What could go wrong? (Wait).

We sat outside at a table, and the waiter brought us six menus. He placed three for food and three for drinks in no particular order, arranged as a pile on the table. (I soon learned that this was a sign of his sloppiness).

I looked at the menus briefly.

As my mom and I discussed what to order, I also contemplated what my four-year-old would eat, as no kids’ dishes were on the menu.

The Misstep

A bit on the run, the same waiter returned swiftly to our table to get the order.

Since I didn’t have a long time to study the menu, nor I intended to do so, I decided on Schnitzel but forgot to mention the type. Apparently, there were several types to choose from, which I didn’t realize as I wasn’t planning to spend my entire evening browsing their menu page by page.

So, when the waiter asked me which kind, I stumbled for a second, but this was enough for my husband to snark about me being unprepared, asking me patronizing in front of everybody: Is this how you order?

