That's heartwarming, Barry! Happy to hear and my best regards to your wife! Luckily for you, you are probably not like my husband. He doesn’t work hard to provide for me. Whatever he does, he does for himself. We earn about the same, yet, we don't contribute the same in the household. My husband criticizes me all the time. All my proposals are generally declined. I feel I have to fight for every small thing. The last few years were tough. I was overwhelmed during my son's first two year when I didn’t feel I could rely on my husband because he was busy with his own middle age crisis. He was involved in a tragic accident that he caused which put even more strain on our relationship. I tried to support him but I feel like I reached the bottom of my barrel and have no resources left. I can't see a way out from this, although I know, in theory there's many. For now, I'll go with the radical acceptance that "it is what it is".