Thanks for your time, David! I understand your concern but I know my situation best. You can stay in a relationship for practical reasons. If you frame it like this and take out the emotional element of my story does it sound differently? I am sure there are a lot of couples that compromise their feelings to prioritize other aspects. In my case, I might just come to the conclusion that I’m better off, but not now. My son loves his father, even if I don’t. He is too young for me to explain to him my motivation for leaving. He will only see the result. Missing his father. What would you do? The example you gave me does not involve a small child, isn’t it? Then, let’s please not compare our situations. I do agree that it would have made sense to leave the guy before we had the child, but I don’t regret that because we made a perfect kid together. So I am not going to be sorry ever. What I do is to look at the whole situation selflessly, putting my son’s needs for having both his parents aside. Trust me, it’s difficult. That’s why I write. To take off the steam, and assert myself calmly in front of my husband. He might learn a thing or two within this timeframe I am giving him. Again, my decision to not leave is not definitive. It is relevant for the moment in time I find myself now.
So, thanks for the concern, to you and the rest of readers that have been in shock reading this. Life is not always just black and white. There are a lot of grey shades that make it interesting and a learning experience.
Have a fantastic year!