Thanks for your support, Thomas! It means a lot. Not just now, but in general. And you're right. Beyond the mere fact of having a father, the relationships daughter have with their fathers have to be build on an emotional intelligence foundation that few men unfortunately have. Most men, still prefer to be perceived as authoritarians rather than too permissive. Most are afraid that their daughters will fail their families by having sex early or getting pregnant without being married, not knowing that girls that do that come from families with fathers like them. Kids grow up. Girl become women so they will eventually have sex. Girls that engage in sex at an early age do it to compensate for something missing at home. And that is exactly what my story speaks about: respect, consideration and care. When that is lacking, girls turn to dreams such as meeting the guy that will become their protector, so they offer sex instead, because we all know that in the end, everything is about that. I could say a few more things, but I'll save them for a sequel :-) Thanks again, Eva.