Thanks for reading and dropping these comments, Deshaun! Power play exists in all relationships. Pretending we’re fair snd square at all times is a lie. The paragraph you refer to reads the following: I love the power it gives me over him while seeing him enjoying the act. It arouses me. Knowing you have the power to offer such pleasure to another is arousing. Power is arousing. So, bottom line: I’m not advocating for less sex or using it as a control tool. I am instead emphasizing the fact that sex out of obligation sucks. Pun intended. And women, as they mature compromise less as the context changes and if affected by medical conditions. The difference between a young woman at the beginning of a relationship where insecurities defined her choices and a mature and confident woman that enjoys sex but knows what she wants and what she’s willing to compromise is striking.
But it’s a celebration of maturity and the man next to her should welcome the change and adjust accordingly. That means growing together as a couple.