Thank you both for sharing. Thanks April for eloquently explaining the core of how most women get aroused and that’s through emotional connection. To "More Cautious" - there's always more than meets the eye. Good you both has some therapy under your belts. What your daughter went through is disturbing and traumatic for all of you. That makes it even more difficult to focus on your couple issues when there are more urgent issues to attend, like securing your daughter and helping her heal. I do believe that there's always a way if there's a will (I mean here to get where you want with your marriage). It will take work, you will both sweat, but you can make it. I encourage you to read the comment from Jimmy. Maybe sometimes we just need to take all the rage out to make room for other feelings. His wife needed to let all rage out before being able to hear him. I relate to her. Maybe so many other women do. Including your wife. Give her the safe space to experiment shouting. Be there to comfort her and validate her feelings. Take care! 🤗