Sean, I am trying to understand the position you're making this comments from. I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it. You came across this story which might be totally out of context for you, hence, you judging me so hard. Here's a little context. My husband and I have been struggling with relationship issues for years. I communicated to him what was missing but he simply couldn't understand or was not willing to pull the weight. I took the matter in my own hands when the opportunity arised. The attention from this man made me feel seen, needed and wanted. It’s a powerful, intoxicating feeling. I fought with the thought that this might become more than an emotional affair. Eventually I caved in. I am only human. What I am doing, I am doing responsibly towards all parties. And for now, all of us are in a good place. It's a moral dilemma afterall and it depends on each and every one of us to interpret it according to our own life experiences and personal values. In my case this affair profoundly challanged my core values but I wouldn’t change a thing. It will not work out like this forever, but for now, it works. And, Sean, I am immune to being called names. I prefer that than dying sad and resentful.