InWholistiquebyEva GrapeChildren Need to See Their Parents Make up Just as Much They See Them fight.Teach children healthy fighting by acting as a model.Dec 13, 2021Dec 13, 2021
InInvisible IllnessbyEva GrapeHealing Starts When You Leave the Therapist’s OfficePersonal insights from a two-year therapy journey that just ended successfullyNov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
InWorking MomsbyEva GrapeA year-long journey of healing through introspectionPart 2Dec 5, 20211Dec 5, 20211
Eva GrapeThe Next Time a Man Yells at Me, I’ll Start Crying Out LoudBy lunchtime, I hated all penis-moving creatures around me.Nov 8, 20218Nov 8, 20218
InWholistiquebyEva GrapeYou Don’t Need a Side-hustle. You Need A hobby.“Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day.”Sep 29, 2021Sep 29, 2021
InHeart AffairsbyEva GrapeWhat Attracts You to Other Women?In a non-sexual way.Sep 15, 20211Sep 15, 20211
InWholistiquebyEva Grape‘Rich people afford to be thin.’Is it true that a healthy lifestyle can be expensive?Sep 10, 20216Sep 10, 20216
InInvisible IllnessbyEva GrapeWhy Has Weaning My Son Two Weeks Ago Killed My Sex Drive?Post-weaning depression — have you heard about it?Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
InWholistiquebyEva GrapeA Unique Kind of Hurt: The Unwanted childFill that space. It’s yours to fill it.Aug 23, 20213Aug 23, 20213
InHeart AffairsbyEva GrapeThere’s No Doubt: Younger Generations Are Better At Parenting Than Their ParentsThe explanation is simple.Aug 27, 20211Aug 27, 20211
InWholistiquebyEva GrapeHow Your Life Would Have Been If You Were an Only Child?When children are unconsciously competing for the same resources — there are winners and losers.Jul 23, 20213Jul 23, 20213
InWholistiquebyEva GrapePut Your Brain in ‘Neutral’ with Your Car in ‘Drive’ mode.Achieve a state of flow by doing something enjoyable as driving your car and enjoying the rideMay 18, 20211May 18, 20211
InWorking MomsbyEva GrapeNight Weaning Your Child Is a Damn Hard TaskWorking out the emotional labor of grieving for something you are about to loseJun 4, 20213Jun 4, 20213
InThe Toy StorybyEva GrapeI Was a Cam Girl in My pastWe’re more women like that than you’d thinkJun 4, 20212Jun 4, 20212
InHeart AffairsbyEva GrapeIs Sharing Your Partner For Sex With Other People A Sign Of Healthy Intimacy Or A Lack of It?Threesomes, group sex, swinging & other sharing typesJul 3, 20214Jul 3, 20214