Member-only story
I’m a goal-oriented individual.
I need to know why I am waking up every day, and the objective should direct my energy during the day to maximise efficiency. Since I was little, I liked to daydream about things I’d do when I grew up, so I spent much time visualising those goals that gave me purpose throughout childhood.
I can say it’s been in my personality to make plans for reaching personal objectives, as I naturally continued doing so with my family once I committed to a partner.
Because I committed to a relationship in my young adulthood, I didn’t know what I was looking for in a partner, probably because I was raised by a single mother and didn’t have a healthy male model that I could use as a reference in my adulthood.
Time and life happened meanwhile, so now, if you’d ask me what the single most quality I look for in a partner is is to have someone to make plans with and push together towards the same goal.
But he’s not like that.
For all the major decisions in our family, I had to lobby strong. I had to build the arguments, bring the evidence, and present the long-term plan to be contested for more arguments, evidence, and better planning. But unfortunately, while I was the decision-maker, he self-positioned as a…