It doesn’t have to be that bad so the children to notice while parents could still have a hard time with their relationship.
Two well-educated people know how to refrain from toxic behavior in front on their child even if their relationship is in trouble.
This is what some people don’t understand: you can still be decent while not loving eachother anymore.
And then, if the child/children are thriving with both parents aside, why would you spoil that security for them? For love? For another man/woman?
I agree that we need to take care of that need to. We need care, love, romance. But honestly, as a mother of a young child, I prioritize my son’s well-being during his formative years.
The love I have for him, my job, my family, my values, and my resilience will suffice until dear son will no longer care that much about his nest because his world would have expanded.
One day, he’ll not even pay attention to us because he will be more preoccupied with his own life, which is a sign of a healthy adult raised by considerate parents.
On the other hand, I could easily say fuck you to my husband, take my son away and start fresh. I afford a new house and I afford to raise my son by myself.
But how will that help my son? Seeing his father on a schedule because his mon was more preoccupied by re-building her love life than offering him a healthy routine around his parents?
I couldn’t do this to any of them, regardless of how much I may despise my husband at times.
And no, I won’t cheat. I had the chance to do it before I had a son and I refrained from it.
I know someday, I will have the time and space for myself. And it will be worth the wait.