I wish I was never in this position. It's not ideal. When you have children, husbands start taking you for granted. If you are a half decent woman, they will assume you will not jeopardize family life for dick. And they are right. Most of us never do it. We're trapped. My husband openly told me when I invited him for couples therapy that we don't have issue to solve as a couple, we have a kid to raise. Right here and there he invalidated my needs, my feelings and reduce me to my role as a parent. I don’t feel entitled to cheat but objectively I justify it as I deliver exactly on what my husbands expects: I raise a kid with him and I maintain the apparances of a functional marriage, including having sex with him. For all he cares, we're good. If he was open to the idea of an open marriage, this would not be cheating. But he would not in a million years accept that. I brought it up.