Hi, Shannon! I honestly had you in mind when I mentioned "They all gave me the green light to start exercising and making dietary changes while excluding medical conditions for my fat." I am aware there are medical conditions such as lipoedema which don't qualify for "regular" weight loss strategies such as exercise, diet, and psychotherapy (where needed). I am sorry this was depressing for you! This was not intended as body shaming - it's an awareness to people like I used to be that need to understand that they are not doing themselves a favor by going with the positive body image BS that can harm them in time. I was that person who just bought larger clothes for some time saying, oh, but I am beautiful like this and I am healthy so I guess I just gonna dress this body now. I was lying to myself and I only realized I was living in denial once I started losing weight, by showing up every day both by watching my food intake and by exercising. It's not easy to lose weight, I give you that - so a lot of people, including me, go for the easier road which is to accept yourself as you are, even if deep down we all resent the weight. Sending you love and good vibes! Eva