Hi, Kat! Thanks for reading and your extensive comment. I will respond per points you touch, one at a time.
1) Getting an orgasm during massage, I concluded though my experience that it depends on three main factors: a) how tensed my muscles are b) how good the massage is (pressure + time spent on a certain area, pace) c) if I am touch deprived (e.g. haven't had sex or been intimate with a partner or masturbated in at least a week). 2) Hence, it doesn't happen ALL the time - don't be jealous :-)
3) I don't think they teach you in school to do it. This is a skill you get in time, as a massage therapist but it's a skill nevertheless. Some know in their experience that pressing certain points on a body can induce in orgasm in some people. I am skeptical that LMT wouldn't know about this possibility. I would argue that they do it on purpose.
4) Yeah - the replies are delicious.
Thanks again, Kat!