Hey, Thomas! By now, I already know you're a good man. I think we're all slightly different people in different circumstances. My experience with my husband taught me that he has many qualities but he's not the chatty type of guy or the one to be there for me emotionally. I'm not saying my boss is. This is why the conversation I was having with this man was not the emotional cheating kind. Still, wives like me are vulnerable to fall for guys that find the time to listen, share a joke and ask how you're doing. That's because we're not getting this at home. I don't know about your wife, but I know I never refused to be vulnerable around my husband. He is the emotional unavailable one. I had an absolute shitty morning when I went to him and tell him about it (the event I described herehttps://medium.com/p/753f06847bc6 ). He didn't care. He didn't come to see what I was doing after he left our son to kindergarten later that morning, although I was sitting in the dark, crying. So yes, I have allowed talking perhaps too much with a man who was checking on me daily while I was in quarantine, and I was glad of the attention. And that's why I didn't want to share my joy with my husband. Because all of sudden he was now interested in what I was doing (pretty selective, right?). He was worried I was smiling too much. My heart goes with you, Thomas!