Hey, Eric. Thanks for your loyalty. I am humbled by your support.
Now to your questions. It’s complicated. My therapist emphasises on what I can fix regarding my issues, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Or at least this is how I feel it. She wants me to identify my triggers by connecting them with childhood schemas that apparently are to blame for my strong reactions.
It’s slightly frustrating to still be, even in therapy, the only one that makes the effort. But I’d guess, since we can only control our own behavior there is where we need to invest our energy in rather in what our partner should or shouldn’t do.
Another aspect to it is that even if I picture my relationship in a certain way, it is not any better or way worse than others. I am presenting snippets of it, but generally, we’re quite normal.
My husband does the dishes, laundry and spends time with his son. He cooks on occasion and does the grocery shopping. He doesn’t offend me and he respects my privacy. He never rejected me once if I went to him to reconcile after an argument. He is respectful towards my family. He is handy around the house and I can trust him with all the bills (he only tells me what’s my share on the household expenses).
As you can see, he’s not a monster, and I’m not an inconsiderate bitch that doesn’t appreciate what he does.
There are moments though when he gets on my nerves and he can be the worst. And that’s what I am writing about because it’s relatable. So, it meets a double purpose: I get to vent and other people like to read this because they can relate (from either side).
I appreciate your comment, and thanks for reading me, Eric 🦋