And you know what is interesting? The fact that he doesn't even wonder why I am in such a good mood. He doesn't care as long as it benefits him. He didn’t even care to ask me how my business trip went and how come I returned from it glowing. He couldn't care less. What I have learned is that I can and should take care of my needs and keep him content. And what I also notices is, when he is content, I get less criticism and less resistance from him. As I mentioned in my story, these means are not morally clean, by far, but when you get lemons, best thing you can do is make lemonade out it, season it with some vodka and enjoy. Life is too short to live with the burden of feeling wrong when others only care about themselves. I didn't want to grow a thick skin, but it helps sometimes, with some people. Thank you for your support, Bill! 🤗